
Just click at the table headers to sort by that column

Item Name Date
Item 3 Steven 950227
Item 2 Emil 990227
Item 1 Erik 990228
Item 4 Scott 960227
Item 7 Fabian 970227
Item 6 Thomas 900227
Item 5 Mike 880227
Item 8 Adam 930227
Item 11 Bill 940227
Item 10 Marc 890227
Item 9 Linus 980227
Item 12 Ronald 960227
Item 15 Peter 950227
Item 14 Carlos 910227
Item 13 Paul 920227
Item 16 Arnold 960227

Below is a table that is using a custom attribute called type in each header cell to define how to sort the column.

String String Number Date
apple Strawberry 45 2001-03-13
Banana orange 7698 1789-07-14
orange Banana 4546 1949-07-04
Strawberry apple 987 1975-08-19
Pear blueberry 98743 2001-01-01
blueberry Pear 4 2001-04-18